About the Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands are located in the South Pacific, about halfway between Hawaii and Australia- 6417 miles away from Sheboygan.

It is part of Micronesia, which is a region of Oceania.

It is made up of 1225 islands, which in total are about the size of Washington DC, however the are spread out in an area about the size of Mexico.

Population is about 70,000 people.

Located at 7 degrees or 500 miles North of the equator and is just west of the international date line. When we fly there we will lose a day and on the way home we will gain a day since we will be crossing the international date line.

The Marshall Islands are an Atoll nation, one of four in the world (Federal States of Micronesia, Kiribati, & Maldives). It is comprised of 29 Atolls. There are 2 chains of Atolls. Ralik Chain (sunset chain) is in West. Ratak Chain (sunrise chain) is in East.

The Marshall Islands have been independent from the US since 1986.

Marshallese people are known throughout the Pacific for their friendly and peaceful nature.

The infant mortality rate is 31/1000, compared to 5/1000 in the US. Only 30% of children attend school. Out of the children that attend school only 30% of those children will graduate high school.

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