Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sunday with the Birth Family

So we made the move to our new hotel. Here are pics of our room. Beautiful view of a garden out our window. The room is SMALL compared to what we had but a good set up for us girls once the boys leave tomorrow.

We had the birth family over for pizza for lunch- about 15 people came. It was great to spend time with them to try to get to know them but a bit hard talking since our adoption coordinator ended up not being able to come last minute. So we were lucky a few spoke a little english. Joanne keep your eyes peeled for your jewlery in these pics :)

Emmitt with Annie- she is the sweetest girl- she is a neighbor and maybe cousin (we are not 100% sure) who helped take care of Hazel. Hazel's sister Crystal is peeking in the back.

A bunch of the kids eating lunch together and giggling.

Buddies- 2 of Hazel's sisters hanging out- Gretta & Crystal.

Hazel and her mom. Lanin is coming out of her shell more when we see her and is holding Hazel and talking to her now more. We think she was super shy at first and embarassed a bit of the situation. I think she is feeling more comfortable with us.

Since the boys are leaving tomorrow the women (mom, grandma, anties, cousins and sisters) all sang a Marshallese song to the boys. It was soo neat to see- I video taped it...they sang it in Marshallese and then the couple that spoke english sang it in English. It basically said today we celebrate and sing and are happy, tomorrow you will be far away and we will miss you and cry- but we will all be family. I was a basket case.

The women then one at time came forward, shook Al's hand and gave him handmades gifts- fans, Christmas ornaments in the shapes of stars and fish. It was very sweet. Then one who spoke English thanked God for helping us all come together for what was best for Hazel. They said they will keep in touch with her via letters and pictures and hope we do the same. As I was crying aunt Emily told me not to cry now- that I should save it for when they sing to me when I leave. Great :)

Hazel and her brother David. He is very shy and hard to get in a picture!

Little Noka- Hazel's youngest brother. Always smiling- he doesn't stop to hold her but just runs by and gives her a kiss now and then. Such a happy sweet boy.

Jimmy her 2nd oldest brohter was there but is shy since he is 14 and is not in pics. I have one pic of him so far and have to try to get one more for her.

Well we are heading out for Chinese at Monicas with our friends for the boys last dinner. Tomorrow we go school supply shopping here, outrigger canoe riding and the boys plane leaves at 8pm. I will try not to be a cry baby when they leave!

1 comment:

  1. That's my bungalow out your window!!! I miss it so much!!!!! Glad to hear things are going well!
