Thursday, July 24, 2014

Last Night

Well it is us girls last night in the Marshall Islands. I can't wait to get home. It was neat to spend time in Hazel's birth country and to meet her birth family but good old Wisconsin is sounding pretty nice right about now.

Gretta and I decided these are the 1st things we want to do when we get home:
-Go to Target
-Eat Corn on the Cob & Watermelon
-Sit in our Hot Tub (Al that means if you are reading this and need to do the chemicals please do!)
-Cuddle with Kemper the wonderdog
-Sleep in our own bed!!!!!
-Driving- I miss driving!
-Show Hazel off to everyone

We also decided these are the things we will miss most:
-The other family here adopting their son- we have become good friends with them
-Seeing the beautiful ocean
-Listening to 70's and 80's music in Marshallese
-Friendly people- when was the last time a car stopped to let you cross the street in the middle of a block? or a waitress brought you a banana split for your kids just because. or a waitress asked to hold you child so you can eat not holding them. People are just nice here.

Things we will not miss:
-Feeling that itchy paranoia that you have nits/lice/fleas or whatever!
-Not knowing what people are saying! I find Marshallese a hard language to learn
-The litter- it is sooo sad to see people throw their garbage in the ocean and the damage it has done to the ecosystem here
-Going out to eat all the time- we miss home cooked meals

But we think it was all worth it- just look at this little face! The below pics are outside today- it was windy and the wind was blowing that hair around. We spent today at some Missionaries (from Missouri) house in Laura beach hanging out in their gazebo, swimming and kayaking. Nice last day. Before we went Hazel's sister Crystal and brother David stopped by so we took them for breakfast and then hung out for a couple hours. After our Laura beach trip we came back to the hotel and napped for an hour. Then we went with the other family here for our last dinner together at Monica's- our favorite restaurant here for Chinese food. Below is also a pic of Hazel and her friend that is also being adopted. It is impossible to get a pic of those 2 together where they are both looking at the camera. We all leave tomorrow on the same flight.

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