Monday, July 21, 2014

The boys last day!

Catching up a bit on a few pics- Here are few more from our last trip to Eneko island.

The kids on the front of the boat. We got to see an old WWII plane sunk in the water near Enemanit island on the way back. We were told it was moved from it's original location for tourists...which made it a little less exciting for me!

The kids with Pandanas Fruit. They are in the palm tree family and all over here. The fruit is huge!

Nolan our tree climber.

Shovel full of crabs. They were all given fancy names by the kids.

This morning we asked the other family we are here with if they wanted to walk to the courthouse to get pics in front of it since the boys were leaving. Court day was hectic, we had our court rooms changed and had to leave our room right away due to a hearing, our birth mom couldn't walk well and it started pouring out so we got no pics at the court house. We went back and recreated the moment for Hazel's scrapbook.

On our way back to the hotel we passed my my favorite store- FUN STORE. The names of stores here are hilarious- the names are never really true. FUN STORE is barely a store much less fun. A better name would be PLASTIC CRAP MART. There is FAIR PRICE II. The prices there are not fair and as far as I can see there is no FAIR PRICE I. Most stores are dark and dingy and I try to figure out what is new vs used. Prices are only marked on somethings, if not marked I think we get the gringo price which is double any Marshallese person :). You have to watch expiration dates on any food items. They take items that would normally be sold in a pack and sell them individually here since people do not have the money to buy a whole pack of items. Diapers, soda and other items are bought individually. Tomorrow Gretta and I are hitting more stores for entertainment. It was hard to shop with Emmitt here since he wants it all and tires easier. So we are putting Hazel in her baby carrier tomorrow and seeing what we can all get good pics of. Another thing to mention is that translations are not always clear as to what is being sold- for example at Island Pride which is a big grocery/Walmart type store here I saw toddler potty seats advertised as "child defecation chairs". I did not have my camera but may go back tomorrow for a pic.

Anyhoo- I made everyone act like they were having fun outside fun store. We got a lot of looks while posting for this pic!

Al and the kids finally went on their Outrigger Canoe ride. It was raining but we figured may as well go- you get wet anyways and it was the boys last day. The had a good time!

I will leave you all with Hazel at bed time- she may be tired after a long day but her hair is still going strong.

The boys left tonight on a flight to Honolulu and will land about 2:30 am and grab a hotel since their flight to Chicago is not til 7:30 tomorrow night. So they can sleep, swim and relax before their final flight. The boys are pumped to see our Kemper.

Us girls were a little teary watching them go since we wish we could all leave together. But then I felt guilty feeling bad since we will all be together hopefully with in a week... Hazel's birth family will be saying good bye to her will be harder. We plan on bringing her back here but it will be quite a few years- so her family will really have the hard goodbye :(

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pics Denise!! You are doing this - and are in the home stretch!! So happy for you!!
