Saturday, July 19, 2014

Moving Day

Last night we walked to Monica's Chinese Restaurant to try something new. Sweet Mother of Pearl they had Coke Zero there. As my friend Jessica from work knows I am Coke Zero's #1 fan. It has been 14 days since I have had one. They had awesome food and it was so CLEAN in there. I am sorry we didn't try it sooner. The kids loved eating with chop sticks and my picky eater Nolan even loved their Sweet and Sour Chicken and their wontons. Al already made plans to go there again Sunday night for his last dinner on the island. I even took a Code Zero roady. The owner was so sweet- she came out as we finished dinner and gave the kids a banana split to share- never had that happen to us before anywhere!

Well today we moved form Marshall Islands Resort to Robert Reimers- we stayed at MIR as long as we could but they have a conference coming up and are booked solid and we could not stay the whole time...but maybe that is good thing since Al and the boys leave in 2 days and our friends are here at RRE.

So we packed up all our stuff last night. RRE said they would pick us up at 9. We hauled all our stuff down from the 3rd floor to the lobby and they did not show. So when Al called they told him that their shuttle was at the aiport and the person who said they would get us at 9 was wrong, it would be 11:30. Sooo....we hauled everything back up to our room since we didnt want to hang out in the lobby for a few hours. Then at 10:15 our phone rang and we were told they were on their way. Whatever :)

I am kinda sad about checking out of MIR. It was like camping inside- not all the ameneties you are used to but not as bad as I thought it would be either. Only 3 cockroaches in 14 days...not to shabby! The water for the showers were always warm, we would giggle at night trying to figure out what songs the Marshallese bands were playing, the pool was never open even once for the kids to swim in and the toilets only flushed several hours a day....but it was home :) I am sad since this means that our boys are leaving in 2 days and while I understand the process can take a little bit yet I am sooo sad about being away from Nolan and Emmitt for anywhere from 1-2 weeks. I am keeping my fingers crossed it is on the shorter end.

RRE is nicer though. There is no way we could have stayed here the whole time with 6 people though. The rooms are too small and they do not have any joining rooms. We are like sardines for the 2 nights we are here. Nolan in a twin bed. Al, me and Emmitt all in a full sized bed (it sucks) and Gretta on a small wicker love seat. Hazel in her pack and play. Once the boys are gone there will be plenty of room. If I was coming to adopt and only had one child or no kids left this would be the perfect place. It has a beautiful garden and restaurant is great. But there is no beach area that was the nice thing about MIR-we had a small beach and we spent a lot of time there!

I feel like I am back in a dorm in a way- some kind of dorm for children the way our kids and the other families kids are running back and forth from room to room. Kinda fun- plus when the boys leave Gretta will have a friend.

It rained a lot today so we moved, napped, played games and watched movies. It cleared up around dinner time to we walked to Chit Chat with the other family here. We at pizza overlooking the ocean and the kids danced to music. Came back and went down to the water front for the kids to play.

I feel like we are at a real comfort level here. We know where to go to get things, how things are run here and just have a sense of ease now. The taxi drivers have been laughing at Emmitt- he will give them directions and then tell them if the place we are going is "lagoon side" or "ocean side". He thinks he knows the lay of the land :)

Tomorrow we invited Hazel's birth famiy over for lunch. There is a small picnic area out side. We are going to treat them to some pizza and soda and spend a few hours hanging out. Hazel's grandpa just arrived from Ailinglaplap and he has never met her. So this will be a great opportunity to meet him and get pics of Hazel with him. I am not sure if I mentioned earlier- in talking with Hazel's grandma I found out Hazel was named after her Great Great Grandma Lynn.

I will post pics tomorrow of our lunch and RRE.

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