Sunday, July 13, 2014

Some Visitors

Today we had a lazy Sunday morning. We stayed in our PJ's until about 10am. I do not know the last time I did that. Probably before kids. It was nice and sunny out so we went down to the beach at low tide and played a game we call Snail, Slug, Crab or Empty. The kids pick up shells and figure out what if anything is inside it. The low tides lately have been very low and the high tides very high. So there were little tide pools that we could go into to explore. Then we went back to the room and mom realized she lost the room key. So we went back to the beach and played a Find Mom's Key game. We found it! We then took a taxi to a restaurant we had not been to yet, Chit Chat but it is closed on Sundays. So we then went to Emmitt's fav, Robert Reimers. Here is is all happy that we are there.

We then went back to the room to nap since we have been so busy lately. But then there was a knock at the door, Hazels grandma, aunt and 2 sisters came to visit. Here she is with her 10 year old sister Crystal and her grandma. Her grandma rocks a Spider Man purse- she is so cute. I sat with Gretta and her 2 sisters and we made candy necklaces with a kit I had brough and the girls really liked it. They stayed about an hour and left. No one spoke english but it was nice to get a few pics of Hazel with her family for her when she grows up. And it was nice to see how much they love her.

After the family visit we got together with the other adoptive family for a pizza party for their daughter who's 4th birthday it was today. The kids bought her a little Marshallese necklace. We ate on some benches by the ocean and then the kids put together a little dance show for us on the stage down there.

We came back to our room and both boys crashed in about 10 minutes. The girls are still up hanging out. Tomorrow we are going to a place where you can sign up for boat trips in traditional Marshallese outrigger canoes. The babies can not go so each family here is going to set up times back to back so we can watch eachothers kids during the trips. We would also like to figure out times to go back to Eneko island this week and meet again with the birth family to give some gifts to them before Al and the boys leave next on the 21st...and to have a translater there so we can ask some questions about the family and Hazel's heritage. I would also like to find out more about the family...if the kids to go school etc.


  1. Love reading your updates!

  2. What an absolutely amazing experience for your family. I love having the opportunity to follow your journey. You are truly blessed! We're looking forward to meeting Hazel!
