Tuesday, July 22, 2014

We have a Visa!

We got a call today that Hazel's visa was here. It actually got here yesterday but it took a day for DHL here to get it to the US Embassy. So Gretta, Hazel and I took a taxi to the Embassy and Hazel is all set to go. I got back and tried to get on the Wed flight- but wouldn't you know it- internet is down. The only time since we have been here that it was completely down. Then when it came back up a few hours later United said that I could fly on Wed for $2500 more plus the $500 change fee since there is only 1st class left or on Friday for the same price and only pay the change fee. So we are booked on the Friday flight. We leave here at 8pm Friday (remember we are a day ahead of you all), land in Hawaii at 2:30 am on Friday....so we go back in time! Then we have a hotel to check into since our flight from Hawaii to Chicago doesn't leave til 7:30pm. We can sleep, shower and relax a bit. Al and the boys did that and he said it worked nice. Speaking of them they should be arriving in Chicago in about 3 hours! So us girls will land in Chicago about 8:30am on Sat. This is MUCH sooner than the norm- I was told this is a new record on how fast a Visa was received. We just had court July 8th which was only 2 weeks ago. They tell you to expect 3-4 weeks from court for your visa. Anyone who knows us knows we always fall in the long end of everything so this was a nice change of pace!

I am ready to come home. The hotel is nice, food is good. Nothing really major to complain about but being away from home so long can get old. Plus now that the boys are gone it seems a little lonely.

Our friends that are also adopting here are on our Friday flight so Gretta still has their daughter to play with.

Today us girls walkd to a restaurant called DAR which we had never eaten at for breakfast. Awesome food and CLEAN! Wish we had tried earlier- it will prob be our breakfast place the rest of this week. We had a real sweet waitress who sat and talked with us during breakfast since no one else was in there and held Hazel while we ate :) Then we did a little shopping and came back and napped.

We then went to the birth family for a visit and went and got the kids school uniforms & school supplies. We then watched a few riviting episods of Gretta's favorite show Cat from Hell with this cat whisperer guy. If I never see another episode it will be ok! We then ran to the Embassy, went out to Monica's for a Chinese dinner and went for like an hour walk since it cooled down and the weather was nice. Nothing too exicting.

Hazel is doing really good- I notice when we are with her birth family that she watches me now and when upset she wants me. Guess she knows who feeds her!!

I have some funny store pics from today but am really tired. I will post tomorrow.


  1. WOW! Something is working to the good for you! I am so happy for you that you will be getting home sooner and start normal life with your family! Can't wait to see you!

  2. Congrats on Hazel's Visa Denise!! Looking forward to seeing you and hearing more about your experience!!!

  3. Have a safe trip home, so happy all has went well. see you soon.....

  4. So happy you are getting home EARLY!! YES!! Can't wait to hear you are back!!!
