Thursday, July 17, 2014

Short Post

Hi all! I am just doing a quick update today.. I am pooped and am going to hit the hay. It is fun being with the family and who knows if we will ever have the opportunity to have so much time together...but boy oh boy entertaining 4 kids on an island with nothing to do can be challenging and tiring!

Today we went to Eneko island again and had a great time. All the kids just love it there. Spend the day swimming, making sand castles and playing with crabs. We also picnicked.

We got home and I figured we would just all crash but the kids wanted to go to Robert Reimers for taco pizza night...who can turn that down! So we all showered and headed there.

Came back to the room and everyone crashed...except Hazel. She was a little fussy. She just fell asleep now, I can honestly say in the short time we have had her this is the 1st time she really seemed upset.

Tomorrow we go visit the birth family and have outrigger canoe rides.

We hear our Visa is expected to be back in RMI by next Wed. Sounds a little too fast to be true since that is only 15 days from court. So the boys are coming back next Monday and the girls may end up coming back by the end of the week. That would be great since I am kinda emotional about not being able to see the boys for a bit.

Will update better tomorrow and do some pics then!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rick Family. thinking of you and wishing you continued fun in the sun!! Hazel looks like she is fitting in just fine. is it possible she is getting bigger since the first time we saw her! I was thinking a tropical island and taco pizza who would turn that down!! safe travels to the boys coming home and to you there on the island. bye for now..........
