Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One Week with Hazel

Hello! Internet has been very slow last night and today. We can not make decent phone calls, can not upload pics and I could not log on to update the blog yeterday.

Hazel joined our famiy a week ago already. Yesterday was a good day- she had her 1st set of giggles, she slept 8 hours stright at night (another good Rick sleeper) and we found out that her Visa has already been processed in Manila. We are unsure if it was able to leave Manila yesterday due to the Tropical Storm Glenda that is hitting Manila right now. My guess is it did not. The Manila Embassy website says we should receive the paperwork in 7-10 days. Once we have her Visa she is all set to come back to Wisconsin- but I have heard that temps are really not too summery there- she may have a little shock!

Yesterday we drove to Laura Beach. We were there at low tide and it was crazy how low the tide was- this supermoon does really drastic things to the tides. We then went to a restaurant called Chit Chat which is on the Pacific Ocean for pizza. What a beautiful view. We rented a car- it was a CMG X7. Never heard of that one before.

Today Al went and got his tatoo redone. Me and the kids set up Outrigger Canoe rides for Friday and went for an icecream. Nolan was having bad luck. Dropped his 1st cone while leaving the store and then we got him a new one which he dropped halfway through.

It just started raining. We are waiting for the rain to pass and we are going to go out to the beach for some sand castle making. We may go visit the Clam farm too for a tour..depends on how our afternoon goes.

We miss everyone, especially our Kemper. Thanks to everyone who is loving our furry kid while we are gone.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your blog everyday Denise!! Glad things are moving along- I bet you miss home!! Sounds like you have some fun things planned! Sending lots of love from MN!
