Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10th

You ever see those awkward family photo postings where they have the family on the tree branch? Al and I took the kids to Laura beach yesterday and found the perfect opportunity to take a pic that we can tease them with for years to come. Wish Hazel was in it but she was sleeping.

Al and Hazel at Laura Beach. She had her swimsuite on but just slept.

Does this bow make my hair look big?

Emmitt at the restaurant at our hotel.

Today was a day with nothing planned. We had rented a car yesterday and got to keep it until noon today. We found out low tide is about 8:45am. So we drove to the north side of Rita island where when it is low tide you can actually walk on the ocean floor over to another island. The kids had a blast picking up shells and shrieking when they would find snails or crabs in them. You would think after one or two they would figure out most had them but they kept doing it. We would have stayed longer but you could tell rain clouds were coming. So we just got over to the island and turned around and walked back and it started to drizzle as we got to our car and was pouring like 2 minutes later so we lucked out. It was kinda freaky being in between the lagoon and ocean knowing at certain times on the day the ocean is there.

On the way home we stopped at the library and donated a stack of kids books the kids brought for them. We also hit up a few shops along the way and made a few souvenier purchases.

I did laundry today at a laundry mat. It as a little hot in 85 degree weather in a open air laundrymat! But better than washing them in a tub. Thanks Kendra for the laundry mat tip- it was clean and they had icecream!

We all napped at the hotel after. We took a taxi to Emmitt's favorite restaurant the Tide Table and had dinner and are having a movie night watching Frozen and munching popcorn.

Two words: Pineapple Fanta. We are all obsessed. I want to try it with a little Malibu.

As alwasy I have more pics but uploading is slow so the 4 you see is all I can get online today. Tomorrow we have nothing planned Spending the day at the beach and eating a picnic lunch most likely. The other family that is here adopting their little boy are coming over to our room tomorrow night for our kids to all play and to order pizza. Since it is Friday night there is a band playing at our hotel, so will either go down stairs to listen a bit or we can just open our door and listen.



  1. Sounds like you are all having a great time! Love seeing photos of Hazel. So precious!

  2. Love the pics and the update!! Such a sweet pic of Al and Hazel! Glad you are finding some good things to eat! (And drink)
