Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Our last day we spent time at the birth familes house to say out good byes- my heart broke watching Hazel's grandma say goodbye- she just loves her so much. I hugged her and told her we will keep in touch and take good care of her. She nodded and kissed Gretta and Hazel and was so calm about it all.

Gretta and Hazel's sister Crystal (wearing an outfit we brought her!)Note the rubberband loom jewelery on her..we started a new trend in RMI. I think when we go back and visit someday that they will be selling rubberband jewlery instead of the jewlery made out of palm leaves etc.

Last hug for Hazel from her birth mom.

Hazel with her brohter David, sister's Grace and Crystal and grandma. I wish you could see David's outfit- he is so Sheboygan- wearing a Sheboygan YMCA shirt and Milwaukee Brewers shorts!

Hazel with her aunt Queenie who also lived in the home with them along with her 3 sons. Queenie spoke english and would help us talk. She loves mascara and I told her I would mail her some :)

We left what is the US Thursday night, flew to Hawaii. By the time we cleared customers and immigration and go to our hotel it was 4:30am on Friday. Hazel became a US citizen!

We could not get a late check out from our hotel so we had to be out by noon. So Hazel was wide awake when we got to our hotel and not sleepy. So I opened our suitecase to get a blanket to swaddle her only to find that a can of infant formula exploded in out suitecase and EVERYTHING was gross. So I didn't go to sleep til about 6:30 due to having to wash clothers, souveniours and all our baby stuff in the tub at the hotel. So I got a couple hours of sleep and had to get up to shower, get the girls ready, pack everything up etc. The hotel kept our luggage and us girls went to lunch and shopping. We were about 2 blocks from where we stayed on the way to the Marshall Islands so it was nice that I new where eveything was.

We got pooped out about 2 and went back to the hotel and hung out on the lobby couches! Took a cab to the airport and caught a 7:30pm flight from Hononlulu to Chicago. It was nice that it was direct, we got lucky and got no one next to me on the flight home so we could stetch out. We landed about 8:30am on Sat.

Hazel slept pretty much all through the night. I thought she felt warm but thought maybe it was from being cuddled in a blanket. Sat night she still felt warm and had a 102 temp. I took her to the walk in on Sunday expecting an ear infection since she has a bit of cold and flew. Ears looked good, so they did a urinalysis to check for bladder infection but it looked good. Did blood test and her white blood cells were at 31,000 which is really high. Chest xray was clear so the doc thought maybe menengitis. They sent us to Childrens in Milwaukee. We got quaranteened due to just coming home from another country and the infectious disease team did a bunch of tests.

It was decided that she has a virus- the blood cultures came back with no bacteria. So it has been said she could have dengue fever or a strain of Hand Foot and Mouth that is prevalent in the Pacific Islands. She is at home- no meds just tylenol and still has a 102 fever today- stuffy nose, upset tummy and rash. Poor girl! So mom has not been able to really sleep at all yet and is pooped! As soon as she is better we will allow visitors!

She does act happy when awake thought- and she has a new best friend!

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