Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Family of 6!

Well it's official, we are a family of 6. Court went well today and with in about 45 minutes the judge ruled that Hazel's adoption was in accordance to the RMI adoption laws. Below is a picture after court with our family. Hazel's birth mother is next to me seated and her grandma is behind (hard to see) and some aunties. Hazels soon to be 4 year old sister is next to me. She has really taken to our family and is a very sweet girl.

Birthday boy and his birthday present. 9 years ago we had our 1st born and with him lots of medical craziness. Now we have our final child and we still are having just as much craziness :0 Nolan made the comment today he would like to come back for his birthday in a few years for another brother. Oh boy. We told him the house is full!!

Hazel was in a trance looking at a teddy bear the kids brought for her.

Our family and the other family who is here adopting all went for a celebration dinner tonight with the birth families and our adoption coordinator and lawyer. We got to meet 4 of Hazel's 6 siblings. We hope to meet the missing 2 boys when we go visit the birth family in their home. We brought a large sheet cake for Nolan's birthday and the cake was a real treat to all the kids. Hazel's grandma (bubu) made us all beautiful handcrafted Marshallese jewelery. She presented Nolan with is while he had his cake and it was very touching.

Below are the boys with the necklaces made by Hazel's grandma. They are woven with palm tree leaves, very intricate..and sea shells.

Here is everything she made us. The necklaces are for the boys, the earrings for me and Gretta and the flowers for our hair. I like the hair flowers- in Hawaii you get flowers but they die in a day...Marshallese flowers are made from died Palm so they never get bad. I am excited to have these to pass on to Hazel someday.

We came home after the dinner and just hung out. It was already 8pm. She is a very social baby and we just hung out with her doing some tummy time. She loves all the toys we showed her. Gretta is in love. She had a rough day but seems to be happy and just fell asleep after a bottle next to her new buddy Emmitt.


  1. OMG! Denise, what a BEAUTIFUL family and what an exceptional experience for all of you!

  2. Yay! I am so very happy for you. Congratulations on your beautiful family.

  3. Hazel is beautiful. Congratulations to you and the family. Glad to hear everything has gone so well. Take care.

  4. OMG! What a beautiful family. I am so excited for you! When I was in China adopting my girls I shopped for little gifts to give them on their birthdays..... something from their homeland. Meant to tell you that before you left.
    Enjoy your time in the Marshall Islands..........you are making such very special memories for all of you.

  5. Wow - what an amazing experience and to have gifts from her family is priceless! And what a special birthday for Nolan! She just has such a sweet face. I'm so happy for you!! Loving all the updates!!
