Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Our last day we spent time at the birth familes house to say out good byes- my heart broke watching Hazel's grandma say goodbye- she just loves her so much. I hugged her and told her we will keep in touch and take good care of her. She nodded and kissed Gretta and Hazel and was so calm about it all.

Gretta and Hazel's sister Crystal (wearing an outfit we brought her!)Note the rubberband loom jewelery on her..we started a new trend in RMI. I think when we go back and visit someday that they will be selling rubberband jewlery instead of the jewlery made out of palm leaves etc.

Last hug for Hazel from her birth mom.

Hazel with her brohter David, sister's Grace and Crystal and grandma. I wish you could see David's outfit- he is so Sheboygan- wearing a Sheboygan YMCA shirt and Milwaukee Brewers shorts!

Hazel with her aunt Queenie who also lived in the home with them along with her 3 sons. Queenie spoke english and would help us talk. She loves mascara and I told her I would mail her some :)

We left what is the US Thursday night, flew to Hawaii. By the time we cleared customers and immigration and go to our hotel it was 4:30am on Friday. Hazel became a US citizen!

We could not get a late check out from our hotel so we had to be out by noon. So Hazel was wide awake when we got to our hotel and not sleepy. So I opened our suitecase to get a blanket to swaddle her only to find that a can of infant formula exploded in out suitecase and EVERYTHING was gross. So I didn't go to sleep til about 6:30 due to having to wash clothers, souveniours and all our baby stuff in the tub at the hotel. So I got a couple hours of sleep and had to get up to shower, get the girls ready, pack everything up etc. The hotel kept our luggage and us girls went to lunch and shopping. We were about 2 blocks from where we stayed on the way to the Marshall Islands so it was nice that I new where eveything was.

We got pooped out about 2 and went back to the hotel and hung out on the lobby couches! Took a cab to the airport and caught a 7:30pm flight from Hononlulu to Chicago. It was nice that it was direct, we got lucky and got no one next to me on the flight home so we could stetch out. We landed about 8:30am on Sat.

Hazel slept pretty much all through the night. I thought she felt warm but thought maybe it was from being cuddled in a blanket. Sat night she still felt warm and had a 102 temp. I took her to the walk in on Sunday expecting an ear infection since she has a bit of cold and flew. Ears looked good, so they did a urinalysis to check for bladder infection but it looked good. Did blood test and her white blood cells were at 31,000 which is really high. Chest xray was clear so the doc thought maybe menengitis. They sent us to Childrens in Milwaukee. We got quaranteened due to just coming home from another country and the infectious disease team did a bunch of tests.

It was decided that she has a virus- the blood cultures came back with no bacteria. So it has been said she could have dengue fever or a strain of Hand Foot and Mouth that is prevalent in the Pacific Islands. She is at home- no meds just tylenol and still has a 102 fever today- stuffy nose, upset tummy and rash. Poor girl! So mom has not been able to really sleep at all yet and is pooped! As soon as she is better we will allow visitors!

She does act happy when awake thought- and she has a new best friend!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Last Night

Well it is us girls last night in the Marshall Islands. I can't wait to get home. It was neat to spend time in Hazel's birth country and to meet her birth family but good old Wisconsin is sounding pretty nice right about now.

Gretta and I decided these are the 1st things we want to do when we get home:
-Go to Target
-Eat Corn on the Cob & Watermelon
-Sit in our Hot Tub (Al that means if you are reading this and need to do the chemicals please do!)
-Cuddle with Kemper the wonderdog
-Sleep in our own bed!!!!!
-Driving- I miss driving!
-Show Hazel off to everyone

We also decided these are the things we will miss most:
-The other family here adopting their son- we have become good friends with them
-Seeing the beautiful ocean
-Listening to 70's and 80's music in Marshallese
-Friendly people- when was the last time a car stopped to let you cross the street in the middle of a block? or a waitress brought you a banana split for your kids just because. or a waitress asked to hold you child so you can eat not holding them. People are just nice here.

Things we will not miss:
-Feeling that itchy paranoia that you have nits/lice/fleas or whatever!
-Not knowing what people are saying! I find Marshallese a hard language to learn
-The litter- it is sooo sad to see people throw their garbage in the ocean and the damage it has done to the ecosystem here
-Going out to eat all the time- we miss home cooked meals

But we think it was all worth it- just look at this little face! The below pics are outside today- it was windy and the wind was blowing that hair around. We spent today at some Missionaries (from Missouri) house in Laura beach hanging out in their gazebo, swimming and kayaking. Nice last day. Before we went Hazel's sister Crystal and brother David stopped by so we took them for breakfast and then hung out for a couple hours. After our Laura beach trip we came back to the hotel and napped for an hour. Then we went with the other family here for our last dinner together at Monica's- our favorite restaurant here for Chinese food. Below is also a pic of Hazel and her friend that is also being adopted. It is impossible to get a pic of those 2 together where they are both looking at the camera. We all leave tomorrow on the same flight.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Funny Pics

Today Gretta, Hazel and I did a morning of walking around shopping and taking pics. Here are my favorites.

Payless Supermarket had Johnsonville Brats on Sale. I can't help but wonder how the heck they get our product since as far as I know we have no distibutor here....

3 Packs of Diapers. Yes- 3 diapers. I would have to go to the store 3 times a day to buy diapers.

In highschool I worked at the Sheboygan KFC, here I would have worked at the KLG. For the life of me I can not figure out what KLG stands for..Kentucky Licking Good? But my favorite part is the chicken- you can't really tell from my pic but according to the tie on him he is not the "Colonel" like in the US- it says "Marshall". LMAO

The child defecating seat I spoke about in a prior post...in the shape of a goose....with handles to hold onto..it's like the child is on a ride while they bare down...I giggle every time I think about it! And I love the two babies on the label. I can't decide if one is telling the other "good job" for using the defecation seat or consoling because the other is scared of it.

And...our little chunkie- we are fattening this girl up- she has cheeks now :)

So we shopped and napped and ate today. After dinner sat down by the ocean a bit. Gretta has her friend Makenna over tonight for a Wizard of Oz movie night. Two more days!!

I rented a car for tomorrow- this girl hasn't driven since June 30th and wants to! We have made friends with a missionary family from Indiana who runs a summer camp for kids here amongst other things. Gretta and myself along with the other adopting mom her and her daughter and Hazel are driving to their house to picnic by them and relax, do some kayaking etc. Should be a nice final outing for us since Friday will be packing and getting ready to leave and a last meeting with Hazel's birth family.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

We have a Visa!

We got a call today that Hazel's visa was here. It actually got here yesterday but it took a day for DHL here to get it to the US Embassy. So Gretta, Hazel and I took a taxi to the Embassy and Hazel is all set to go. I got back and tried to get on the Wed flight- but wouldn't you know it- internet is down. The only time since we have been here that it was completely down. Then when it came back up a few hours later United said that I could fly on Wed for $2500 more plus the $500 change fee since there is only 1st class left or on Friday for the same price and only pay the change fee. So we are booked on the Friday flight. We leave here at 8pm Friday (remember we are a day ahead of you all), land in Hawaii at 2:30 am on Friday....so we go back in time! Then we have a hotel to check into since our flight from Hawaii to Chicago doesn't leave til 7:30pm. We can sleep, shower and relax a bit. Al and the boys did that and he said it worked nice. Speaking of them they should be arriving in Chicago in about 3 hours! So us girls will land in Chicago about 8:30am on Sat. This is MUCH sooner than the norm- I was told this is a new record on how fast a Visa was received. We just had court July 8th which was only 2 weeks ago. They tell you to expect 3-4 weeks from court for your visa. Anyone who knows us knows we always fall in the long end of everything so this was a nice change of pace!

I am ready to come home. The hotel is nice, food is good. Nothing really major to complain about but being away from home so long can get old. Plus now that the boys are gone it seems a little lonely.

Our friends that are also adopting here are on our Friday flight so Gretta still has their daughter to play with.

Today us girls walkd to a restaurant called DAR which we had never eaten at for breakfast. Awesome food and CLEAN! Wish we had tried earlier- it will prob be our breakfast place the rest of this week. We had a real sweet waitress who sat and talked with us during breakfast since no one else was in there and held Hazel while we ate :) Then we did a little shopping and came back and napped.

We then went to the birth family for a visit and went and got the kids school uniforms & school supplies. We then watched a few riviting episods of Gretta's favorite show Cat from Hell with this cat whisperer guy. If I never see another episode it will be ok! We then ran to the Embassy, went out to Monica's for a Chinese dinner and went for like an hour walk since it cooled down and the weather was nice. Nothing too exicting.

Hazel is doing really good- I notice when we are with her birth family that she watches me now and when upset she wants me. Guess she knows who feeds her!!

I have some funny store pics from today but am really tired. I will post tomorrow.

Monday, July 21, 2014

The boys last day!

Catching up a bit on a few pics- Here are few more from our last trip to Eneko island.

The kids on the front of the boat. We got to see an old WWII plane sunk in the water near Enemanit island on the way back. We were told it was moved from it's original location for tourists...which made it a little less exciting for me!

The kids with Pandanas Fruit. They are in the palm tree family and all over here. The fruit is huge!

Nolan our tree climber.

Shovel full of crabs. They were all given fancy names by the kids.

This morning we asked the other family we are here with if they wanted to walk to the courthouse to get pics in front of it since the boys were leaving. Court day was hectic, we had our court rooms changed and had to leave our room right away due to a hearing, our birth mom couldn't walk well and it started pouring out so we got no pics at the court house. We went back and recreated the moment for Hazel's scrapbook.

On our way back to the hotel we passed my my favorite store- FUN STORE. The names of stores here are hilarious- the names are never really true. FUN STORE is barely a store much less fun. A better name would be PLASTIC CRAP MART. There is FAIR PRICE II. The prices there are not fair and as far as I can see there is no FAIR PRICE I. Most stores are dark and dingy and I try to figure out what is new vs used. Prices are only marked on somethings, if not marked I think we get the gringo price which is double any Marshallese person :). You have to watch expiration dates on any food items. They take items that would normally be sold in a pack and sell them individually here since people do not have the money to buy a whole pack of items. Diapers, soda and other items are bought individually. Tomorrow Gretta and I are hitting more stores for entertainment. It was hard to shop with Emmitt here since he wants it all and tires easier. So we are putting Hazel in her baby carrier tomorrow and seeing what we can all get good pics of. Another thing to mention is that translations are not always clear as to what is being sold- for example at Island Pride which is a big grocery/Walmart type store here I saw toddler potty seats advertised as "child defecation chairs". I did not have my camera but may go back tomorrow for a pic.

Anyhoo- I made everyone act like they were having fun outside fun store. We got a lot of looks while posting for this pic!

Al and the kids finally went on their Outrigger Canoe ride. It was raining but we figured may as well go- you get wet anyways and it was the boys last day. The had a good time!

I will leave you all with Hazel at bed time- she may be tired after a long day but her hair is still going strong.

The boys left tonight on a flight to Honolulu and will land about 2:30 am and grab a hotel since their flight to Chicago is not til 7:30 tomorrow night. So they can sleep, swim and relax before their final flight. The boys are pumped to see our Kemper.

Us girls were a little teary watching them go since we wish we could all leave together. But then I felt guilty feeling bad since we will all be together hopefully with in a week... Hazel's birth family will be saying good bye to her will be harder. We plan on bringing her back here but it will be quite a few years- so her family will really have the hard goodbye :(

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sunday with the Birth Family

So we made the move to our new hotel. Here are pics of our room. Beautiful view of a garden out our window. The room is SMALL compared to what we had but a good set up for us girls once the boys leave tomorrow.

We had the birth family over for pizza for lunch- about 15 people came. It was great to spend time with them to try to get to know them but a bit hard talking since our adoption coordinator ended up not being able to come last minute. So we were lucky a few spoke a little english. Joanne keep your eyes peeled for your jewlery in these pics :)

Emmitt with Annie- she is the sweetest girl- she is a neighbor and maybe cousin (we are not 100% sure) who helped take care of Hazel. Hazel's sister Crystal is peeking in the back.

A bunch of the kids eating lunch together and giggling.

Buddies- 2 of Hazel's sisters hanging out- Gretta & Crystal.

Hazel and her mom. Lanin is coming out of her shell more when we see her and is holding Hazel and talking to her now more. We think she was super shy at first and embarassed a bit of the situation. I think she is feeling more comfortable with us.

Since the boys are leaving tomorrow the women (mom, grandma, anties, cousins and sisters) all sang a Marshallese song to the boys. It was soo neat to see- I video taped it...they sang it in Marshallese and then the couple that spoke english sang it in English. It basically said today we celebrate and sing and are happy, tomorrow you will be far away and we will miss you and cry- but we will all be family. I was a basket case.

The women then one at time came forward, shook Al's hand and gave him handmades gifts- fans, Christmas ornaments in the shapes of stars and fish. It was very sweet. Then one who spoke English thanked God for helping us all come together for what was best for Hazel. They said they will keep in touch with her via letters and pictures and hope we do the same. As I was crying aunt Emily told me not to cry now- that I should save it for when they sing to me when I leave. Great :)

Hazel and her brother David. He is very shy and hard to get in a picture!

Little Noka- Hazel's youngest brother. Always smiling- he doesn't stop to hold her but just runs by and gives her a kiss now and then. Such a happy sweet boy.

Jimmy her 2nd oldest brohter was there but is shy since he is 14 and is not in pics. I have one pic of him so far and have to try to get one more for her.

Well we are heading out for Chinese at Monicas with our friends for the boys last dinner. Tomorrow we go school supply shopping here, outrigger canoe riding and the boys plane leaves at 8pm. I will try not to be a cry baby when they leave!

Moving Day

Last night we walked to Monica's Chinese Restaurant to try something new. Sweet Mother of Pearl they had Coke Zero there. As my friend Jessica from work knows I am Coke Zero's #1 fan. It has been 14 days since I have had one. They had awesome food and it was so CLEAN in there. I am sorry we didn't try it sooner. The kids loved eating with chop sticks and my picky eater Nolan even loved their Sweet and Sour Chicken and their wontons. Al already made plans to go there again Sunday night for his last dinner on the island. I even took a Code Zero roady. The owner was so sweet- she came out as we finished dinner and gave the kids a banana split to share- never had that happen to us before anywhere!

Well today we moved form Marshall Islands Resort to Robert Reimers- we stayed at MIR as long as we could but they have a conference coming up and are booked solid and we could not stay the whole time...but maybe that is good thing since Al and the boys leave in 2 days and our friends are here at RRE.

So we packed up all our stuff last night. RRE said they would pick us up at 9. We hauled all our stuff down from the 3rd floor to the lobby and they did not show. So when Al called they told him that their shuttle was at the aiport and the person who said they would get us at 9 was wrong, it would be 11:30. Sooo....we hauled everything back up to our room since we didnt want to hang out in the lobby for a few hours. Then at 10:15 our phone rang and we were told they were on their way. Whatever :)

I am kinda sad about checking out of MIR. It was like camping inside- not all the ameneties you are used to but not as bad as I thought it would be either. Only 3 cockroaches in 14 days...not to shabby! The water for the showers were always warm, we would giggle at night trying to figure out what songs the Marshallese bands were playing, the pool was never open even once for the kids to swim in and the toilets only flushed several hours a day....but it was home :) I am sad since this means that our boys are leaving in 2 days and while I understand the process can take a little bit yet I am sooo sad about being away from Nolan and Emmitt for anywhere from 1-2 weeks. I am keeping my fingers crossed it is on the shorter end.

RRE is nicer though. There is no way we could have stayed here the whole time with 6 people though. The rooms are too small and they do not have any joining rooms. We are like sardines for the 2 nights we are here. Nolan in a twin bed. Al, me and Emmitt all in a full sized bed (it sucks) and Gretta on a small wicker love seat. Hazel in her pack and play. Once the boys are gone there will be plenty of room. If I was coming to adopt and only had one child or no kids left this would be the perfect place. It has a beautiful garden and restaurant is great. But there is no beach area here...so that was the nice thing about MIR-we had a small beach and we spent a lot of time there!

I feel like I am back in a dorm in a way- some kind of dorm for children the way our kids and the other families kids are running back and forth from room to room. Kinda fun- plus when the boys leave Gretta will have a friend.

It rained a lot today so we moved, napped, played games and watched movies. It cleared up around dinner time to we walked to Chit Chat with the other family here. We at pizza overlooking the ocean and the kids danced to music. Came back and went down to the water front for the kids to play.

I feel like we are at a real comfort level here. We know where to go to get things, how things are run here and just have a sense of ease now. The taxi drivers have been laughing at Emmitt- he will give them directions and then tell them if the place we are going is "lagoon side" or "ocean side". He thinks he knows the lay of the land :)

Tomorrow we invited Hazel's birth famiy over for lunch. There is a small picnic area out side. We are going to treat them to some pizza and soda and spend a few hours hanging out. Hazel's grandpa just arrived from Ailinglaplap and he has never met her. So this will be a great opportunity to meet him and get pics of Hazel with him. I am not sure if I mentioned earlier- in talking with Hazel's grandma I found out Hazel was named after her Great Great Grandma Lynn.

I will post pics tomorrow of our lunch and RRE.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Birth Family Home Visit

So our little Hazel lived at her great uncles house until we got her. Her uncle, her grandma, her mom and 5 of her 6 siblings live there. I am unsure if there are more people there- but that was all that was there went to visit today.

Even though the house was very modest and small, they kept it clean. My heart broke as I thought of Hazel's siblings living there and the tough life they all lead.

Here she is with her grandma, brother Noka and sister Bianca who every one calls Grace.

Here Hazel is with her birth mom. It is the first time we have seen her look at her or hold her and she seemed genuinely happy to see her.

This pic has in the back row her uncle (whos name I have to get!), grandma, brother Jimmy in the back.
Brother Noka, neighbor boy (not sure how he got in there but brother David was missing- so have to get a pic of him!), sister Crystal holding Hazel, little Grace and mom. One brother Smithy is living on another Atoll and David was very shy- we have to get a pic of him. Crystal is going into 4th grade like Nolan.

We spoke a little bit with her uncle in english- he has a son that live in Oregon and he just got back from visiting him- the 1st time he has gone in 10 years. So he speaks a little english. He said his American grandkids do not speak Marshallese. He had a camera and took pics of us just like we took pics of them! We learned that they come from Jeh Island in Ailinglaplap atoll.

All of the kids are in school except for Grace- she lives on Jeh island with grandma and there is no school. They go to public school which is free, the only things they have to buy each year is a uniform and supplies- which is stretch for this family. I set up a time on Monday to take the kids to go get fitted for uniforms and to take them school supply shopping. We told that that education is very important to us and we will help them out with that each year.

We gave each kid a couple outfits, shoes, toothbrushes and art supplies. The boys each got baseball gloves and balls. Girls got hair clips/bands/brushes, lip glosses, jewlery, nailpolish and rainbow looms. Mom and Grandma got shoes, clothes, jewlery, a Wisconsin Picture book, lotion, Johnsonville Grilling set and a couple other little things.

We came home after the visit and have been resting. Emmitt, Al and Hazel are all napping. So Nolan, Gretta and I snuck out and went for banana splits. They were out of bananas so we just got them with out the bananas :) The other family here adopting is coming over at 5:30 and we are heading to Monicas for Chinese food and then coming back here for a beer and for the kids to play.

Tomorrow we are moving to Robert Reimers hotel. The hotel is a little nicer but the rooms are much smaller so we prefered to stay here. Al and the boys will help us get settled there before they leave on Monday. We were going to move there on Sunday but Emmitt is just so in love with that hotel's restaurant and bar area that we thought we would give him a few days there..but that means a crowded room for a few nights. Right now the boys leave on Monday and the thought is us gals will follow on Friday- which is MUCH sooner than expected. Maddy our adoption coordinator told us today we are a new speedy record!

Short Post

Hi all! I am just doing a quick update today.. I am pooped and am going to hit the hay. It is fun being with the family and who knows if we will ever have the opportunity to have so much time together...but boy oh boy entertaining 4 kids on an island with nothing to do can be challenging and tiring!

Today we went to Eneko island again and had a great time. All the kids just love it there. Spend the day swimming, making sand castles and playing with crabs. We also picnicked.

We got home and I figured we would just all crash but the kids wanted to go to Robert Reimers for taco pizza night...who can turn that down! So we all showered and headed there.

Came back to the room and everyone crashed...except Hazel. She was a little fussy. She just fell asleep now, I can honestly say in the short time we have had her this is the 1st time she really seemed upset.

Tomorrow we go visit the birth family and have outrigger canoe rides.

We hear our Visa is expected to be back in RMI by next Wed. Sounds a little too fast to be true since that is only 15 days from court. So the boys are coming back next Monday and the girls may end up coming back by the end of the week. That would be great since I am kinda emotional about not being able to see the boys for a bit.

Will update better tomorrow and do some pics then!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How we pass our time

Here is what we do here to pass our time-

Al has made friends with a Samoan man who has lived her for 20 years. He owns a CLEAN tatoo parlor and Al and Seth the other adopting dad went today to cover up the tatoos they got when they were 18. Goodbye old tatoo, hello new Marshallese tatoo. I was very tempted to get one too- he does a great job and is a lot cheaper than in the US, but I am holdling my friends Joanne to her promise that we would go get new tatoos soon. Today was the last day we could get tatoos while we are here since John is leaving on Thur for Phonpei for the Micronesian games- he is competing in spear fishing!

Getting supplies- Al has to carry 5 gallon jugs of water from the Do it Best down the road. Filtered water is cheap here...$1 for 5 gallons.

The kids love to sit around at night and tell ghost stories. Emmitt is on a Ghost Busters movie kick and Nolan lines them all up and tells them stories.

Beach Beach and more beach. Here are some pics of our Tuesday trip to Laura beach at the end of the island. We have gone to Laura twice, We are going on our 2nd trip to Eneko island tomorrow and we have played countless hours on the small beach at our hotel.

Hazel feeling the breeze in her crazy hair.

Eating our picnic lunch at Laura Beach. Johnsonville Summer Sausage sandwiches, with some applesauce and Pringles. Oh how I long for a brat.

"Parties" as Emmitt calls them. I got a glow in the dark ring toss game. We turn the lights off at night and play ring toss. Tonight we watched a movie like every other night and made smores. Have I mentioned these kids are spoiled? We tried to play the ring toss outside tonight on some grass by our hotel to watch the sunset- but when were were setting up Gretta stepped in a fire ant hill and started screaming..she had about a dozen little bites on her feet. She is doing ok after calming down. I think they heard her scream 2 islands over!

Today we tried to go to a clam farm that grows giant claims and coral for aquariums but could not find it. So we ended up at the museum here. Off to an island tomorrow so hopefully we will have some more fun island pics!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One Week with Hazel

Hello! Internet has been very slow last night and today. We can not make decent phone calls, can not upload pics and I could not log on to update the blog yeterday.

Hazel joined our famiy a week ago already. Yesterday was a good day- she had her 1st set of giggles, she slept 8 hours stright at night (another good Rick sleeper) and we found out that her Visa has already been processed in Manila. We are unsure if it was able to leave Manila yesterday due to the Tropical Storm Glenda that is hitting Manila right now. My guess is it did not. The Manila Embassy website says we should receive the paperwork in 7-10 days. Once we have her Visa she is all set to come back to Wisconsin- but I have heard that temps are really not too summery there- she may have a little shock!

Yesterday we drove to Laura Beach. We were there at low tide and it was crazy how low the tide was- this supermoon does really drastic things to the tides. We then went to a restaurant called Chit Chat which is on the Pacific Ocean for pizza. What a beautiful view. We rented a car- it was a CMG X7. Never heard of that one before.

Today Al went and got his tatoo redone. Me and the kids set up Outrigger Canoe rides for Friday and went for an icecream. Nolan was having bad luck. Dropped his 1st cone while leaving the store and then we got him a new one which he dropped halfway through.

It just started raining. We are waiting for the rain to pass and we are going to go out to the beach for some sand castle making. We may go visit the Clam farm too for a tour..depends on how our afternoon goes.

We miss everyone, especially our Kemper. Thanks to everyone who is loving our furry kid while we are gone.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Planning our Week

Most days we try to have something planned to keep the kids entertained but today we pretty much spent the day planning our week. We walked to a place to set up a time for outrigger canoe rides but no one was there.

I went to do a load of laundry with Nolan and Gretta. The kids were big hits with the Marshallese kids. They were intrigued with Nolan's orange hair and braces..not a look you see everyday here. He would make a weird face and they would all giggle like crazy. He told me it was like having a conversation where everyone listens and thinks you are great :) There was a real sweet girl who sat by Gretta who had the holiest shirt I had every seen. So I sent her home with one of Gretta's sundresses and she was so excited. The kids played tag with the group of Marshallese kids while I washed.

We are renting a van tomorrow to drive to Laura beach again. The were out of cars so we get a van, not a mini van but I was told "a big van". Not sure what to expect- but we invited the other family here since we will have a large van. So we are going to pile in- 4 adults and 6 kids and drive to the beach. We are bringing along garbage bags and cleaning up a bit there. Also picnicing and swimming.

Al went over to the tattoo place to set up time on Wed to get a new tattoo over his old one on his arm (yes it is sanitary moms).

Thur we are going on a boat trip to Eneko island again. It was paradise and we have nothing else going on so why not! Our friends will be joining us.

Friday we are going to Hazel's birth families home to visit and see where she lived for the 1st 3 months of her life. We are exicted to see this for her and we will have Maddy from our adopting agency with us to translate for us. We have lots of questions about the family that we want to ask to document for her. We also have a ton of gifts for the birth mom, Hazel's 6 siblings and grandparents.

Word on the street is our mini van keys are here! We are going to take our big ole van to pick them up tomorrow! Whoo hoo- these better not get flushed!

Info on our routine here- kids have chores that are amuzing to me. The toilet tanks do not refill about 75% of the time after flushing. So Nolan's job is to refill the toilet tanks with water from our shower by using the ice buckets several times a day. He really likes this job. Not sure why. Gretta is our dishes girl- she drys them for us and she also nannys for Hazel. Emmitt...well his job is to keep the toys cleaned up. He has been actuallly doing it too which is great. We have a rule anytime we leave the room it has to be clean incase the maid comes so then he runs around and puts away all toys.

And to my Johnsonville friends- I am not sure how these got here- I know we do not have any Marshallese customers but there was one lonely pack of Johnsonville Sweet Italian in the freezer section at the Island Market here. I had to take a pic. They were right next to the Filfoods Tocino what every that may be.

Hazel is doing really well. She fit into the family very easily and it seems like we have had her longer than we have. She has had a lot of changes this week. From the people caring for her, being in an air conditioned hotel, new bottles/formula, new smells and language. But she is doing well. She lovs to have people just sit and talk to her and she tries to talk back and smiles at you. We have her wet cry, hungry cry and all the other little cries all figured out. She went from drinking 1 oz every 2-3 hours to drinking 5 oz every 4 hours and going 7 hours of sleep at bedtime. We are getting her on a good routine..which I am sure will fall apart when we travel home and have the time changes!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Some Visitors

Today we had a lazy Sunday morning. We stayed in our PJ's until about 10am. I do not know the last time I did that. Probably before kids. It was nice and sunny out so we went down to the beach at low tide and played a game we call Snail, Slug, Crab or Empty. The kids pick up shells and figure out what if anything is inside it. The low tides lately have been very low and the high tides very high. So there were little tide pools that we could go into to explore. Then we went back to the room and mom realized she lost the room key. So we went back to the beach and played a Find Mom's Key game. We found it! We then took a taxi to a restaurant we had not been to yet, Chit Chat but it is closed on Sundays. So we then went to Emmitt's fav, Robert Reimers. Here is is all happy that we are there.

We then went back to the room to nap since we have been so busy lately. But then there was a knock at the door, Hazels grandma, aunt and 2 sisters came to visit. Here she is with her 10 year old sister Crystal and her grandma. Her grandma rocks a Spider Man purse- she is so cute. I sat with Gretta and her 2 sisters and we made candy necklaces with a kit I had brough and the girls really liked it. They stayed about an hour and left. No one spoke english but it was nice to get a few pics of Hazel with her family for her when she grows up. And it was nice to see how much they love her.

After the family visit we got together with the other adoptive family for a pizza party for their daughter who's 4th birthday it was today. The kids bought her a little Marshallese necklace. We ate on some benches by the ocean and then the kids put together a little dance show for us on the stage down there.

We came back to our room and both boys crashed in about 10 minutes. The girls are still up hanging out. Tomorrow we are going to a place where you can sign up for boat trips in traditional Marshallese outrigger canoes. The babies can not go so each family here is going to set up times back to back so we can watch eachothers kids during the trips. We would also like to figure out times to go back to Eneko island this week and meet again with the birth family to give some gifts to them before Al and the boys leave next on the 21st...and to have a translater there so we can ask some questions about the family and Hazel's heritage. I would also like to find out more about the family...if the kids to go school etc.