Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pack a Little, Eat a Lot

Pack a little and Eat a lot is pretty much what I have been doing every night. I stress eat.

Two days until we leave. It has been a whirlwind week trying to get flights, hotel in Hawaii (we are doing a 3 day layover) and the Marshall Islands. We had 2 hotels to choose from in the Marshall Islands and really with 6 of us the only one that really had room for us all was the Marshall Island's resort. They have joined rooms that are set up with a room to sleep and a living/makeshift kitchen area. They only could keep us for part of the trip since there is a Mirconesian Fish Preservation Conference there end of July. So we will be staying there from arrival unitl the 20th and then moving to Robert Reimers Resort on the 20th. Al and the boys can help us move before they leave to come home on the 21st. RRE is very nice but they did not have an area big enough for all of us- but a single room will be good for us 3 girls. I hope to fly back about August 1st with Gretta and the baby.

Nolan has had a fever all week and after visits to the dr on Tue and Fri they finally put him on an antibiotic. Hope he feels better before we leave.

We are almost packed- packing for 5 people, a baby and brining enough snacks, things to keep kids busy on flights and in hotel is challenging.

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